Change is in the air—in a fresh breath sort of way—this week in the leadup to a New Moon in visionary Aquarius and Lunar New Year.
Domestic life can feel like a snake pit on Monday as the suspicious Scorpio Moon first opposes applecart tipping Uranus and then squares love goddess Venus. With Mercury still retrograde, it’s likely miscommunication is at the root of any disagreements. And negotiations to ease them are best left till later in the week.
Luna finds more helpful allies in the sky on Tuesday. Sextiles from both the Sun and Pluto provide positive outlets for passion and intensity. And the mood shifts dramatically at 12:33 pm ET as the Moon enters easygoing Sagittarius. The sign’s gregarious and far-seeing tendencies get a boost from a connection with optimistic Jupiter, which also aspects Venus. Loving vibes abound!
Circle Wednesday, January 18. That’s the day Mercury finally begins to move forward. Which means fewer technical glitches, online deliveries gone astray, travel delays and general wires crossed. It’s retrograde, which began on December 29, in goal-oriented Capricorn, made it difficult make any resolutions or plans. Now, get out that planner and vision board; when in this sign it will be easier to strategize.
Speaking of Capricorn, the on drifts aimlessly early Thursday, but enters the sign of the Goat mid-afternoon. This will give a further boost to that which direct Mercury initiates. And with Luna trining exuberant Jupiter in the evening, we can set our sights higher than ever.
Another important shift happens Friday when the Sun heads into unconventional, community-driven Aquarius until February 18. For the next 30 days, the emphasis will be on being our authentic selves. We’ll also focus on finding and/or building a team that aligns with our values. Adding social activism to our resume is not out of the question. And finding ways to use technology or social media to work smarter, could prove inspired.
On Saturday, January 21, at 3:53 pm ET the year’s first New Moon occurs in the sign of the visionary Water Bearer. Now is the time to set the viewfinder on panoramic and write down some intentions! This is a power day for doing so, as it occurs in a sign that is all about the future. It also occurs close to Pluto, so we can access a deep resource of determination along with single-minded passion to achieve our goals. A sextile to benefic, jovial Jupiter helps inject a large dose of optimism. And since it is in the action-oriented sign of Aries, we will be ready to put the pedal to the metal.
On Sunday, revolutionary Uranus wakes up from its yearly retrograde that began last August 24. New opportunities can come when we least expect it going forward. But for today, it squares the Moon challenging us to search our hearts. How much disruption will you endure to make progress in your life or relationship? And with Venus square Saturn, it’s important to be true to your values.
The weekend also ushers in the Lunar or Chinese New Year, in which the intense and challenging Tiger gives way to gentle, abundant Water Rabbit. Positive energy abounds, and success goes to those willing to go down a new rabbit hole.