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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: July 26-August 1, 2021

WEEKLY FORECAST: JULY 26 – AUGUST 1 Express yourself! Mercury enters ultimate diva Leo (yes, Madonna is a Leo) this week. Which means our ways of communicating take centre stage, becoming both theatrical and vital.

The week begins on a tranquil note, thanks to the Moon drifting along in serene Pisces. Although it opposes love goddess Venus in the morning, a subsequent sextile to innovative Uranus provides creative solutions, especially where love or money are concerned.

Our emotions are less clear on Tuesday, July 27, as Luna collides with nebulous Neptune. Who can you trust? How much to sacrifice? Fortunately, by late evening logical Mercury enters clear-headed Leo and we’re able to express our best self interests. It stays in this flamboyant sign until August 11, helping us get the word out with flair. Got a project to promote or cv to send out? This placement will help you get attention and highlight your best features.

The Moon shifts to dynamic Aries on Wednesday. At the same time, Jupiter backtracks out of compassionate Pisces and into Aquarius. We’re still focused on higher meaning and improving the social order. Only now we’re less emotional and intuitive, more logical in our approach.

Oops! Right away, on Thursday, July 29, fiery Mars opposes Jupiter. Righteous indignation reigns! We may encounter people highly passionate about their viewpoints and immune to logic. Caution: Even if you’re not accident-prone, this aspect can trigger it. Avoid the hazard by resisting the urge to overdo anything, especially if it involves physical exertion. Road rage could erupt where you least expect it.

Later that same day, Mars settles into a more sedate sign, Virgo. A good use of the Mars-Jupiter energy is to fire your ambitions and set your sights higher. The shift to this methodical sign helps us analyze the situation and plot a practical course.

On Friday, it is Venus who gets all the attention. The Moon is in luxury-loving Taurus. But the planet of love and enjoying life’s pleasures is under fire from two heavy planets, Pluto and Saturn. Some adjustments may be needed in our relationships or money situation, but a solution may not be immediately obvious.

Expect the unexpected on Saturday, July 31. The Moon, still in Taurus, collides with erratic Uranus and irritates the Sun and Saturn. Trouble arises if we try to get too comfortable or adhere to a rigid schedule. But if we’re prepared to improvise, this can be an exciting and productive day. The Sun on its namesake day, Sunday, lends its bright, confident energy to Mercury. But with Saturn opposing later in the day, we’ll have to make sure our grand ideas are less about ego, more about the collective good.

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