Venus is all fired up as the week begins while Mercury, still lazing in retrograde, puts many plans on ice.
Just when the love goddess is completing a run through fiery Aries, it hits a stone wall called Saturn on Tuesday, February 3. This could put some relationship, creative project or money matter under fire. The sign of the Ram ignites and excites, and prefers to improvise. Stern Saturn in Capricorn insists on thinking long-term viability and having a plan.
Consider this a reality checkpoint. To avoid: making it your way or the highway. Somewhere, there is a middle ground that can be both solid but also lead to something exciting.
It’s all in the rear-view mirror by Wednesday, though, as both Mercury and Venus change signs. Some of the mental fog clears as the winged messenger leaves nebulous Pisces for clear-headed Aquarius. But don’t get too excited, because it’s home stretch for its backspin phase. Rethink working collaboratively and your social media image, and refocus your future. Save big decisions and moves until the end of month.
Late in the evening, Venus flops in the comfy chair called Taurus. This is a sign where it feels content to snuggle for a while. Between now and April 3, we’ll embrace the slow movement when it comes to relationships, money and values. Attraction is best built over time, a shared sense of right and wrong could be tie that binds.
An old-school romantic, consistency and comfort count with Venus in Taurus. Just keep an eye on the calorie count and spending limit. This gourmand sign likes acquiring nice things, especially if found at a good price. It’s not so good at letting go of the old to make way for the new.
“Spring forward” takes on new meaning on Sunday. Venus just might goad us to take a chance on love. Or at the very least, do something unexpected and out of character. Because it has a date with unpredictable Uranus that day.
At the same time, the Sun in uber-romantic Pisces conjoins soul-mate-minded Neptune. Ready to open your heart to someone you never thought could be your type? Or experience a relationship based less on need, more on a higher calling? You just might find out.
Social gatherings and cultural events are favoured as well.