We set a new agenda this week, which holds a transformative New Moon in Scorpio and a planetary cabinet shuffle.
Monday has a reputation as a day for the blues. But thanks to a visionary trine between Mercury and Jupiter, optimism abounds. There are also undercurrents of gullibility, though. So, if a person or deal seems too good to be true, remember the old rule.
There will be no ambiguity when it comes to people’s thoughts and beliefs on Tuesday, November 2, though. The winged planet then clashes with authoritarian Pluto. Words may be harsher than intended, and arguments can escalate quickly. Or, we may find behind-the-scenes scuttlebutt comes to light.
Midweek, the Moon in harmony-loving Libra reignites, and possibly amplified, any arguments or issues leftover from yesterday. But by day’s end, a trine to Venus helps us find solutions that are in everyone’s best interests.
The New Moon in Scorpio occurs at 5:15 pm on Thursday. Resistance may be futile; this marks the third New Moon in a row that involves transformative Uranus. This time, it opposes the Sun and Moon, indicating that we can now receive illumination about the changes we need to put in place to create a brighter future. New Moons always plant seeds of change that usually last for a month or so. This one is also linked the potent lunar eclipse slated May 16, 2022, indicating some deep changes may take until then to manifest.
Want to know more about the New Moon and month ahead? Sign up for Susan’s Stellar Salon, an online get together. email or message for deets.
Feeling like gunning it when it comes to the finances or a relationship? A reality check is due as soon as Friday when love-goddess Venus enters serious and ambitious Capricorn. This placement helps us look to the bottom line: in relationships, what is non-negotiable in a long-term rapport. In finances, it will help us not spin out of control with holiday shopping.
On the same day, mental Mercury enters Scorpio. This is the sign of the psychologist and detective. So we are now able to go behind appearances to find answers. If we’re still unsure due to recent chaos, this one will help us get clear.
Cooperation and good vibes return to the neighbourhood on Saturday, November 8. The Moon is in upbeat and optimistic Sagittarius, usually a good party placement. On the same day, Mercury is in good aspect to Venus. They are both in serious signs, Scorpio and Capricorn respectively, so light conversations can turn deep and meaningful and new alliances formed.
The good times roll on into Sunday. It’s a great day for fun times with friends and seeking adventure, perhaps through a short getaway. Or digging into a new book or practice that expands your view of the world and of life.
