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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: October 7-13, 2014

In mid Libra season, the scales tip dramatically from one extreme to the other, but we can finesse our way to our goals as we seek equilibrium.


Monday, under a freedom-loving Moon in Sagittarius we may chafe at a return to the work routine. We’re free to roam whether in mind or spirit as Luna makes excellent progress unhampered by major aspects. Come evening, though, a square to Saturn may bring a brief spell of frustration or discouragement.


Tuesday brings an upbeat trine between love goddess Venus in Cancer and action-star Mars in Scorpio. On the romantic side, security needs can meld beautifully with intense passion. And since both are in water sides, a deep and tender emotional bond can evolve. The good vibes spill over into all rapports, making the first two days of the week optimal for negotiating new contracts or a raise.  This aspect also elevates all creative endeavours, too.


On the same day, mental Mercury in creative and equitable Libra trines optimistic Jupiter in Gemini. The winged planet is all about thinking and communications and Jupiter is all about expanding horizons. So these are also banner days for writing, posting and speaking. The only downside is a tendency to go too far too fast. It’s best to fact-check before you hit send.


Speaking of Jupiter, starting Wednesday the planet first stalls and then heads in retrograde motion for the next four months. If you’ve been overwhelmed by the fast pace of information and the day-to-day, this can bring a slowing. Good for catching a breath, frustrating for those intent on launching something new quickly. All to say expect some delays along with a chance to review and refine.


On Thursday, October 10, the Moon is in ambitious and industrious Capricorn.  We may need to draw upon the sign’s famous persistence now to help us soldier on. But it’s also a stubborn sign, and on this day adjustment is called for as Luna opposes touchy Mars in Cancer, making for encounters with volatile and overly emotional people. Venus also makes uncomfortable aspects with both Jupiter and Chiron, indicating we may have to make adjustments in our relationships. Or to our schedule to allow for more work-life balance and self-care.


After a five-month retrograde phase, transformational Pluto turns direct on Friday. The planet of depth psychology urges us to do some soul-searching. Longstanding issues can—and should—be unearthed and dealt with now. Because on November 19, the planet will exit Capricorn, not to return in this lifetime. Changes made now can be profound and far-reaching.


The weekend scenario unfolds under a Moon in gregarious Aquarius. Saturday finds her forming mostly positive aspects with the other planets. This is an ideal day for group activities. This sign also prefers like-minded people, but with Mercury making a quincunx to mystical Neptune, confusion reigns and its hard to find consensus. But it can be an enjoyable day if you go with the flow.


On Sunday, great communicator Mercury plunges into Scorpio waters. Until November 2, superficial thoughts or missives just won’t do. it helps us to look beyond appearances for true motives. We’ll naturally want to strengthen our filters, online and off, and up the security settings. And seek to connect with others long emotional channels. It’s also a good time to demonstrate your integrity in word and deed as it can help strengthen connections, personal and professional.


But it will be hard to see the positive on this day, because Mercury first squares off with powermonger Pluto. We and those around us may express ourselves more intensely than the situation really requires. We’re also likely to see manipulation if not skullduggery where it may not exist. Fortunately, the Sun in equitable Libra is also making nice with take-the-high-road Jupiter. So if we step back from any touchy situation, we can see the bigger picture.


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