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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: September 28-October 4, 2020

A dynamic Full Harvest Moon draws nigh, as do about-faces by two planetary heavy-hitters. We’re all fired up—but do we have any particular place to go?

We’re tempted to lie back and enjoy life on Monday, September 28. The Moon lolls void of course before entering dreamy, go-with-the-flow Pisces late morning ET. Meanwhile, love goddess Venus is sending off sparks as it flirts outrageously with lusty Mars in Aries. The combo normally will trigger our romantic side and make us more prone to act on impulse. But the warrior planet is also square to Saturn, which is preparing to resume direct motion the next day. Which means professional demands or family obligations likely will override.

The square could cause mega-frustration on Tuesday, though. For Saturn will take a while to shift gears, having been in sleep mode since May. What to think about: where in your life will taking a mature, responsible and structured approach bring the most benefit? Where should you start setting higher goals and making yourself more accountable? (hint: It’s like the area of your chart that contains 20 degrees Capricorn, Saturn’s current neighbourhood). Time to re-commit to a job, relationship or project. Also know that calmer heads will prevail eventually.

What makes it all that much more crucial: We now enter home stretch to December when the ringed planet will not only change sign but begin a major new alliance. All to say it’s important to get this one right over the next three months, as there are no do-overs.

On Thursday, October 1, the Full Harvest Moon shines boldly in Aries at 5:05 pm ET. Luna is siding with wounded healer asteroid Chiron, rarely a good thing for public health. Already in eastern and other parts of Canada we’re fielding alarming reports about pandemic numbers. An uncomfortable aspect to Uranus can mean erratic, unpredictable responses. It’s important to keep in mind that Full Moons are about awareness, and to foster it with the Sun in Libra side, which favours rationality and balance. It might also be time to let go of a struggle or competition and embrace cooperation instead.

The next day, Friday, Venus enters non-nonsense and perfectionist Virgo, where it will stay for four weeks. All our relationships plus our finances are up for audit. Are they living up to standards? And should yours be more stringent? And we’ll be quicker to pitch in and come to the aid of a good cause or someone in need.

Pluto turns direct on Sunday, October 4. It’s no accident that the word power is so often followed by struggle. Starting now, we might put to good use some of what we’ve learned about the nature of power v. empowerment. The key is to act in a responsible and measured way and to avoid creating unnecessary drama.

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