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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: September 30-October 6, 2024

We begin the week fired with ambition and vision, but with a galvanizing solar eclipse—not as dramatic as the one in 2023, but still potent—looming it’s best to play the long game.


On Monday, lingering effects of Mars trine Saturn help us to be in the right place at the right time. With both in water signs—Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces—intuition is our surest guide.  Also on this day, the ambitious Sun goes tete-a-tete with mental Mercury, both in Libra. This brings sureness and confidence to decisions, along with a willingness to consult and negotiate.  


But it’s not all systems go.  With a solar eclipse due mid-week, it’s best to take a lot of notes during the burst of clarity. Then assess the pros and cons, along with the real-life feasibility, and set a long-term strategy towards a new goal. Precipitous actions taken during eclipse periods tend to not work out as hoped.


Tuesday’s trends bring a desire to experiment with new way of doing things as the Moon in analytical Virgo trines inventive Uranus midday. Luna then goes on to oppose Neptune, which could bring some doubt and confusion. By evening, though an aspect to Pluto gives perception and determination.


An annular “ring of fire” solar eclipse is on tap for Wednesday, October 2,  at 2:49 pm EDT. Solar eclipses act as extra-potent New Moons. In the sign of Libra, this one will help us make a major reset in our relationships, especially close ones, aesthetic or artistic side, and social circle. Especially since Venus, Libra’s fave planet, is making a dynamic and productive configuration with Saturn and Mars. Could a new partnership get you to your goals ore quickly? Or make your life better in some way? Deep and lasting developments, though not immediately evident, could be germinating now.


Eclipses tend to bring a darkness before a new light of awareness and can set the trend for the next six months or more. This is the second in a pair of solar eclipses in Libra, an echo of the October 14, 2023 annular solar eclipse. Themes from a year ago could resurface now. Mercury is onsides with the lunation, helping to bring mental clarity and equilibrium. It’s an excellent time to look for patterns and write down new insights.  


Speaking of relationships, on Friday the planet Venus makes nice with serious Saturn and the Moon enters passionate Scorpio.  With the love goddess also in that sign, superficial rapports just won’t do. Even chance encounters can take on profound overtones. It is one of the year’s optimal days for seeking a long-term commitment and building meaningful foundations for the future. Or making any connection based on deep feelings and commonality.


The trend continues into the weekend, as Luna continues her progress through Scorpio. Come Saturday evening, though, communicative Mercury in relationship-minded Libra squares off with overly sensitive Cancer. This quarrelsome aspect can bring a lot of touchiness in ourselves and others. Though tempted to take a defensive position, it’s best to hear the other out first. On Sunday, the Sun quincunx downer Saturn can make us prone to feelings of isolation just as the Moon opposes go-it-alone Uranus. Some quality solo time spent in self-care pursuits might be the best way to make use of this energy.

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